Hastanemiz Hemşirelik Hizmetleri Direktörü Gamze ONAR BAŞARANGİL, Etkin Koleji öğrenci ve öğretmenlerine “El Hijyeni” konulu seminer verdi.
Kardiyoloji Doktorumuz Özcan Yücel Hastasını Ameliyat Gerekmeden Stent Takarak Tedavi Etti
Eskişehir Erzurumlular Sosyal Yardımlaşma Kültür ve Dayanışma Derneği ve Eskişehir Yeni Sendika (Yenilikçi Sağlık ve Sosyal Hizmet Çalışanları Sendikası) arasında hastanemiz ile anlaşma protokolü imzaladık.
Hastane İşletme Direktörümüz Derya Demir, Odunpazarı Belediye Başkan Yardımcısı Sayın Necati Sarıca’yı makamında ziyaret etti. Ziyaret kapsamında, hastanemiz ve belediye arasında iş birliğini güçlendirecek bir protokol imzalandı. Nazik misafirperverliği ve yakın ilgisi için Sayın Necati Sarıca’ya teşekkür ederiz.
Hastanemizde düzenlenen hizmet içi eğitimlere katılarak kendilerini sürekli geliştiren değerli çalışma arkadaşlarımıza teşekkür ediyoruz. Daha bilinçli ve donanımlı bir sağlık hizmeti sunma yolunda öğrenmeye olan bağlılıklarını takdir ettiğimiz sevgili çalışanlarımıza, bu anlamlı çabalarını taçlandırmak adına keyifle okuyacakları birer kitap hediye ettik.
Hastanemiz, çalışanlarının gelişimine büyük önem veriyor ve bu tür etkinliklerle onların bilgi ve becerilerini artırmayı hedefliyor. Hizmet içi eğitimlere katılım gösteren tüm çalışanlarımızı tebrik ediyor, başarılarının devamını diliyoruz.
Although cervical cancer is usually seen in middle and older women, it can occur at any age. It is very important for women to have regular smear tests for early diagnosis. It is a disease that can be treated if diagnosed early. Human Papilloma Virus Infection test and Pap Smear test which can cause cervical cancer are performed as free in KETEM in our country.
Çalışanlarımızın kişisel ve profesyonel gelişimlerine büyük önem veriyoruz. Bu kapsamda, 4 gün boyunca Eskişehir Öğretmenevi Eğitim Salonu'nda düzenlediğimiz "Sağlıklı İletişim" eğitimi başarıyla tamamlanmıştır.
Eğitimimiz, alanında uzman Prof. Dr. Erkan Yüksel tarafından verildi. Katılımcılarımıza, etkili iletişim becerileri, empati kurma, aktif dinleme ve daha birçok konuda önemli bilgiler aktarıldı. Amacımız, çalışanlarımızın birbirleriyle ve müşterilerimizle daha sağlıklı ve verimli iletişim kurabilmelerini sağlamaktı.
Tüm birimlerimizden yoğun katılımla gerçekleşen eğitimimizde, çalışanlarımızın etkin bir şekilde yer alması ve eğitimden maksimum fayda sağlaması için özel bir katılım planlaması yapılmıştı. Bu sayede, tüm çalışanlarımızın eğitime eşit fırsat bulması hedeflendi.
Bölüm yöneticilerimizin de bu süreçte gösterdikleri destek ve yönlendirme sayesinde eğitimimiz büyük bir başarıyla sonuçlanmıştır.
Hastane İşletme Direktörümüz Derya Demir ve Kurumsal İletişim ve Pazarlama Uzmanımız Sevim Başbuğ ile birlikte, Hakimler ve Savcılar Kurulu Kararnamesi ile Eskişehir Cumhuriyet Başsavcılığına atanan Sayın Üzeyir Karakülah’ı makamında ziyaret ettik. Bu ziyaret sırasında, hastanemiz ve kurum arasında bir protokol imzaladık.
Sayın Üzeyir Karakülah’a nazik misafirperverliği ve gösterdiği yakın ilgi için teşekkür eder, yeni görevinde başarılar dileriz.
Anne ve bebek sağlığı konusunda uzman kadrosuyla özel bir seminer düzenledi. Seminerde, alanında uzman doktorlar, ebeler, hemşireler, diyetisyen, fizyoterapist ve psikolog katılımcılara kapsamlı bilgiler sundu.
Gerçekleşen seminerde, hamilelik süreci, doğum, emzirme, bebek bakımı, anne ve bebek sağlığına yönelik beslenme, doğum sonrası dönemde annelerin fiziksel ve duygusal sağlığı gibi konularda detaylı bilgiler verildi.
Ülkemizin önde gelen üretim tesislerinden biri
olan Paşabahçe Fabrikası, çalışanlarının sağlığını desteklemeye yönelik önemli
bir etkinliğe ev sahipliği yaptı. Uzm. Dr. Osman Son,
fabrikanın çalışanlarına yönelik “Diyabet Teknolojileri” konulu bir seminer
Seminerde, modern tıp teknolojilerinin diyabet
yönetimindeki rolü detaylı bir şekilde ele alındı. Uzm. Dr. Osman Son,
insülin pompaları, sürekli glikoz ölçüm cihazları ve diyabet yönetiminde
kullanılan mobil uygulamalar gibi yenilikçi çözümlerle diyabet hastalarının
yaşam kalitesinin nasıl artırılabileceğini anlattı. Çalışanlar, diyabetle
ilgili doğru bilgiye erişmenin yanı sıra, teknolojik yeniliklerden nasıl
faydalanabilecekleri konusunda da bilgilendirildi.
Ayrıca, seminer kapsamında diyabetin önlenmesi,
sağlıklı beslenme, düzenli egzersiz ve iş yaşamında kan şekeri dengesinin
korunmasına yönelik öneriler de sunuldu. Katılımcılar, konuya dair merak
ettiklerini sorma ve birebir bilgi alma fırsatı buldu.
Değerli katkılarından dolayı Uzm.
Dr. Osman Son’a teşekkürlerimizi sunarız.
Sağlık Bakanlığı Sağlık Hizmetleri Genel Müdürlüğü’nün 03.10.2024 tarihli yazısı ile Obezite Cerrahisi Uygulama Merkezimiz hizmete açılmıştır. 5.720 metrekare kapalı alan üzerinde, 63 hasta yatağı, 20 yoğun bakım yatağı ile yenidoğan yoğun bakım ünitemiz, koroner yoğun bakım ünitemiz, kardiyovasküler yoğun bakım ünitemiz ve 23 farklı bölüm ile poliklinik hizmetlerimiz ile sağlık hizmetlerimiz de bölge halkına sağlık hizmeti sunmaktan gurur duyuyoruz. Şimdi ise, hastalarımıza sağlıklı bir yaşam sunmayı amaçlayan Obezite Cerrahisi Uygulama Merkezimizi hizmete açıyoruz.
Obezite Cerrahisi Uygulama Merkezimiz, alanında uzman cerrahlarımız ve sağlık ekibimizle obeziteyle mücadele eden hastalarımıza kapsamlı bir tedavi süreci sunmaktadır. Merkezimizde, cerrahi yöntemlerin yanı sıra, her hastaya özel kişiselleştirilmiş bir tedavi planı uygulanmaktadır. Obeziteyle mücadelede gerekli olan tüm desteği ve güvenilir tıbbi altyapıyı sağlayan merkezimizde, sağlıklı bir yaşama adım atmak isteyen herkesi aramızda görmekten mutluluk duyarız.
Fizik Tedavi ve Rehabilitasyon Uzmanı Uzm.
Dr. Serap Yılmaz Demiriz, Europen Merkez Fabrika ve Europen İmişehir
Fabrikası çalışanlarıyla bir araya gelerek "Kas ve İskelet Sistemi
Ağrıları" konulu bir seminer verdi.
Çalışanların iş yaşamında sıkça karşılaştığı kas
ve iskelet sistemi rahatsızlıkları, üretkenliği ve yaşam kalitesini olumsuz
etkileyebiliyor. Bu nedenle, seminerde bu tür rahatsızlıkların nedenleri,
belirtileri ve önlenmesi konusunda detaylı bilgiler paylaşıldı. Ayrıca, doğru
duruş teknikleri, ergonomi kuralları ve günlük hayatta uygulanabilecek basit
egzersiz önerileri katılımcılarla paylaşılırken, pratik ve uygulanabilir
çözümler sunuldu.
Seminer boyunca katılımcılar, konuya dair merak
ettiklerini sorma fırsatı bulurken, Uzm. Dr. Serap Yılmaz Demiriz'in
verdiği değerli bilgilerle farkındalık kazandı. Çalışanların yoğun ilgisi ve
olumlu geri bildirimleri, bu tür etkinliklerin önemini bir kez daha ortaya
Özel Anadolu Hastanesi olarak sağlığınızı ön
planda tutmaya devam edecek ve iş yaşamındaki sağlık sorunlarının önüne geçmek
adına bu tür farkındalık etkinliklerini sürdürmeyi hedefleyeceğiz.
Hastanemizde, 3-8 Kasım Organ Bağışı Farkındalık Haftası kapsamında, organ bağışının önemi ve süreç hakkında toplumu bilinçlendirmek amacıyla bilgilendirme standı açılmıştır.
Hastanemizde açılan bu stantta, organ bağışı süreci hakkında merak edilen tüm sorulara yanıt veriliyor. Sağlık personelimiz, organ bağışının insan hayatını nasıl kurtardığını anlatıyor, bağış yapmanın yasal süreçleri hakkında detaylı bilgi sunuyor. Ayrıca, bağışta bulunmak isteyen vatandaşlarımıza yönlendirmeler yapılmakta ve süreç hakkında rehberlik edilmektedir.
Organ bağışının önemine dikkat çekmek ve daha fazla insanı bağış yapmaya teşvik etmek amacıyla düzenlediğimiz bu etkinlikte, ziyaretçilerimiz bilinçli bir bağışçı olmanın insani sorumluluğunu üstlenmenin yanı sıra, bağışın topluma sağladığı faydaları da öğrenme imkânına sahip oluyorlar.
26 Ekim Hasta Hakları Günü dolayısıyla hastanemizde hasta hakları konusunda toplumsal farkındalığı artırmak amacıyla bir bilgilendirme standı açılmıştır.
Hastanemizde açılan bu bilgilendirme standında, hastalarımızın sahip olduğu haklar ve bu haklardan nasıl yararlanabilecekleri konusunda bilgilendirmeler yapılmaktadır. Sağlık hizmetlerimizin etkin bir şekilde kullanılması ve hastalarımızın haklarını en iyi şekilde öğrenmeleri amacıyla deneyimli sağlık personelimiz her türlü soruya yanıt veriyor ve ziyaretçilerimize rehberlik ediyor.
Bu etkinlikle amacımız, hasta haklarının sağlık sisteminin önemli bir parçası olduğunu vurgulamak ve hastalarımızı bilinçlendirerek haklarına sahip çıkmalarını sağlamaktır.
Hastanemiz, sağlık alanında yenilikçi çözümleri şehrimizin önde gelen kurumlarının iş yeri hekimlerine tanıtmak amacıyla eksozom tedavisini tanıtan özel bir etkinlik düzenledi.
Eksozom tedavisi, son yıllarda hücresel düzeyde sağladığı yenilenme ve iyileşme potansiyeli ile dikkat çeken, ileri düzey bir tedavi yöntemidir. Hastanemizde gerçekleştirilen bu özel etkinlikte, iş yeri hekimlerine eksozom tedavisinin nasıl uygulandığı, hangi hastalıklarda etkili olduğu ve sağladığı faydalar hakkında detaylı bilgi sunuldu. Kardiyoloji uzmanlarımızdan Uzm. Dr. Murat TARAKTAŞ'ın sunumu ile eksozom tedavisinin insan vücudunda hasarlı hücreleri onarma ve dokuları yenileme kapasitesini ayrıntılı bir şekilde anlatarak, tedavi sürecini gözler önüne serdi.
Hedefimiz, iş yeri hekimlerimizin bu yenilikçi tedavi yöntemini daha yakından tanımasını sağlamak ve çalışan sağlığını iyileştirecek yöntemler hakkında bilgi sahibi olmalarına katkıda bulunmaktır.
Emirdağ'ın coşkulu atmosferinde düzenlenen 17. Emirdağ Gurbetçi Festivali'nde, Eskişehir Anadolu Hastanesi'nin standı vatandaşların uğrak noktası oldu. Sağlık profesyonellerinin yer aldığı standda, katılımcılara çeşitli sağlık konularında bilgiler verildi, merak edilen sorular yanıtlandı.
Eskişehir Valisi Sayın Hüseyin AKSOY Hastanemize ziyaret gerçekleştirdi. Başhekimimiz Uzm. Dr. Levent BİLİR ve Hastane İşletme Direktörümüz Derya DEMİR'in karşıladığı Sayın AKSOY'a gerçekleştirmiş oldukları ziyaretten dolayı teşekkür ederiz.
Bu özel tanıtım etkinliğinde, yapay zeka destekli ekokardiyografi cihazımızın sunduğu yüksek hassasiyetli görüntüleme imkânları ve hızlı teşhis yetenekleri detaylı olarak paylaşıldı. Uzmanlarımız, cihazın nasıl çalıştığını, yapay zeka teknolojisinin tanı sürecinde sağladığı doğruluk oranlarını ve iş yeri hekimlerinin kalp sağlığı taramalarında cihazı nasıl kullanabileceklerini açıkladı.
Tanıtım etkinliğimizde, bu gelişmiş cihazın iş yeri hekimlerinin sağlık hizmetlerine katkıda bulunarak çalışan sağlığını nasıl iyileştirebileceği vurgulandı. Bu sayede, kalp hastalıklarının erken teşhisinin önemi ve yapay zeka destekli sağlık teknolojilerinin çalışma hayatına sağlayacağı avantajlar bir kez daha gözler önüne serildi.
Bilecik Belediye Başkanı Sayın Melek Mızrak Subaşı'nı makamında ziyaret ettik. Hastane İşletme Direktörümüz Derya Demir ve Kurumsal İletişim ve Pazarlama Uzmanımız Nilay Aktaş'ın katılmış olduğu ziyarette, Sayın Subaşı'na yeni dönemde yürüteceği belediye başkanlığı görevinde başarı dileklerinde bulunduk. Göstermiş olduğu ilgi ve alakadan dolayı kendisine teşekkür ederiz.
Sivrihisar'ın geleneksel hale gelen ve coşkulu atmosferiyle dikkat çeken Uluslararası Nasreddin Hoca Kültür ve Sanat Festivali'nde, Eskişehir Anadolu Hastanesi de sağlık hizmetiyle yer aldı. Festivale katılan vatandaşlar, hastanenin standını ziyaret ederek sağlık durumları hakkında bilgi alabilir, merak ettikleri sorulara yanıt bulabilirler.
1 Haziran Ulusal Fenilketonüri günü dolayısı ile sağlık ve bakım hizmetlerimiz bünyesinde bulunan personelimize, fenilketonüri hakkında eğitim ve bilgilendirme faaliyetinde bulunduk. Sağlık ve Bakım Hizmetleri Müdür Yardımcımız Özge BENLİKAŞ’ın çeşitli sunumlar yaparak gerçekleştirmiş olduğu eğitim, personelimizin toplum sağlığı konusunda farkındalığının daha fazla artmasını sağlamıştır.
Türkiye Bilişim Derneği tarafından düzenlenen 5. Eskişehir Sağlık ve Bilim Sempozyumu Eskişehir Osmangazi Üniversitesi Kongre Merkezi'nde düzenlendi. TBD Eskişehir Şubesi Yönetim Kurulu Başkanı Av. Dr. Barış GÜNAYDIN'ın konuşmaları ile başlayan sempozyumda, dijital sağlık ekosisteminde ki başarılı faaliyetlerde bulunan kurumlara ödül verildi. Dijital Hastane Kategorisinde ödüle layık görülen kurumumuz adına plaketimizi, TBD Genel Başkan Yardımcısı Ali YAZICI Başhekimimiz Uzm. Dr. Levent BİLİR'e takdim etti.
Odunpazarı Belediye Başkanı Sayın Kazım KURT’u ziyaret ettik. Başhekimimiz Uzm. Dr. Levent BİLİR, Genel Müdürümüz Op. Dr. Cenk SOĞUKPINAR ve Kurumsal İletişim ve Pazarlama Uzmanımız Nilay AKTAŞ'ın katılımı ile gerçekleştirmiş olduğumuz ziyaretimiz esnasında, göstermiş olduğu ilgi ve alakadan dolayı kendisine bir kez daha teşekkür ederiz.
Eskişehir Özel Anadolu Hastanesi Ortopedi ve Travmatoloji uzmanlarımızdan Op. Dr. Barış KURTGÖZ, Eskişehir Teknik Üniversitesi Spor Bilimleri Fakültesi öğrencilerine ‘Sporcu Yaralanmaları’ konulu seminer verdi. Değerli hekimimize bilgilerini geleceğimizin temsilcisi olan öğrencilere ilettiği için teşekkür ederiz. Göstermiş oldukları ilgi, alaka ve misafirperverlikten dolayı Eskişehir Teknik Üniversitesi Spor Bilimleri Fakültesi Dekanı Sayın Prof. Dr. Serdar KOCAEKŞİ, öğretim üyesi kıymetli hocalarımıza ve katılım sağlayan öğrenci arkadaşlarımıza teşekkür ederiz.
Tepebaşı Mayor Dr. Ahmet Ataç visited our hospital on the occasion of Doctors' Day, which is celebrated on March 14 in Turkey. During the visit, Mayor Ataç was accompanied by Hospital Chief Physician Levent Bilir, our Director Derya Demir, and Nermin Yılmaz.
We would like to thank Mayor Ataç for the gifts he brought for our doctors. The hospital administration also expressed their satisfaction with Mayor Ataç's visit and thanked Tepebaşı Municipality for its support in the field of health.
İKAF'24 İç Anadolu Kariyer fuarında Anadolu Hastanesi olarak biz de yer aldık. Bu heyecan verici etkinlik, genç yetenekleri Türkiye’nin ve şehrimizin önde gelen kurum ve kuruluşlarıyla bir araya getirerek onların kariyer yolculuklarına katkıda bulundu. İKAF'24, öğrencilerin ve mezunların kariyer hedeflerine ulaşmalarını desteklemek adına birçok sektördeki lider firmaları bir araya getiriyor. Bu sayede, genç yetenekler iş dünyasının nabzını tutma ve kariyerlerine yön verme şansı buluyorlar. Biz de özel hastane olarak bu değerli fırsatı değerlendirerek geleceğin yeteneklerini keşfetmeye ve onlara geleceklerini sağlıkla tasarlamalarında yol göstermeye devam edeceğiz. İKAF'24'ün düzenlenmesinde katkısı olan kurumlara teşekkürlerimizi sunmak istiyoruz. Özellikle Anadolu Üniversitesi'ne bu değerli etkinliğe ev sahipliği yaptığı için minnettarız. Bu fuar genç yeteneklerle iş dünyasını buluşturmak, gelecek nesillerin kariyer yolculuklarını aydınlatmak için önemli bir adım oldu.
Doç. Dr. Sevil Uzoğlu Bayçu'nun önderliğinde gerçekleşen ‘’Etkili İletişim - İletişim Becerileri’’ eğitimlerini başarıyla tamamladık. Sağlık hizmetleri alanında başarıyı artırmak ve hasta memnuniyetini yükseltmek adına hasta ve hasta yakınları ile etkili iletişimi önemsiyoruz. Hasta odaklı iletişimimizi güçlendirerek, birbirimize ve hastalarımıza daha anlayışlı bir şekilde yaklaşma becerilerimizi geliştiriyoruz. Sağlık hizmetlerimizi daha kaliteli ve güvenilir kılmak için de bu değerli eğitimi önemsiyoruz. Doç. Dr. Sevil Uzoğlu Bayçu'ya bize kattığı bu değerli bilgiler için teşekkür ederiz. Hasta odaklı iletişimle daha sağlıklı yarınlar inşa etmeye devam ediyoruz.
Gebe semineri eğitimlerimizi başarıyla tamamlamanın mutluluğunu yaşıyoruz. Uzun ve keyifli dokuz aylık dönemden sonra bebeğinize kavuşacak ve dünyanın en güzel duygusu olarak tanımlanan annelik duygusunu tadacaksınız. Bu süreçte bebeğinize ve size sağlıklı yaşamlar, sevgi dolu anılar ve bir ömür boyu mutluluklar dileriz. Sağlıklı bir hamilelik, mutlu bir annelik…
Hasta Hakları Günü vesilesiyle, Hastane İşletme Direktörü Derya Demir ve Hasta Hakları Birimi Sorumlusu Çağla Önsal, yatarak ve ayaktan tedavi gören hasta ve hasta yakınlarını ziyaret ederek, hastalarımızın istek ve önerilerini yerinde değerlendirdiler. Ayrıca, "Hasta Hakları" konusunda farkındalığı artırmak amacıyla bilgilendirme broşürleri dağıtıldı. Bu özel günde hastalarımızın sağlık hizmetlerinin kalitesini artırmak için onların geri bildirimlerini önemsiyoruz. Sizi ve sağlığınızı önemsiyoruz. 26 Ekim Hasta Hakları Günü Kutlu Olsun.
Hastane İşletme Direktörü Derya Yılmaz Demir, görevine yeni başlayan Milli Eğitim Müdürü Sayın Sinan Aydın'ı makamında ziyaret ederek, yeni görevinde başarılar diledi.
Bugün, Kardiyoloji uzmanımız Uzm. Dr. Murat Taraktaş'ın liderliğinde Ford Otosan çalışanlarının sağlığına odaklanan önemli bir seminer gerçekleştirdik. Kalp sağlığı ve hipertansiyon gibi hayati konuları ele alan bu seminer ile katılımcılara sağlıklı yaşam alışkanlıkları hakkında değerli bilgiler sunarak kalp sağlığına daha fazla özen göstermelerini hedefliyoruz. Sağlığınıza değer verin çünkü siz bizim için değerlisiniz! Ford Otosan ailesine daha sağlıklı ve mutlu bir yaşam dileriz!
Hastane İşletme Direktörümüz Derya Yılmaz Demir ile Kurumsal İletişim ve Pazarlama uzmanı Suna Özşendil, görevine yeni başlayan Sayın Vali Hüseyin Aksoy’u makamında ziyaret ettiler. Sayın Vali Hüseyin Aksoy’a yeni görevinde başarılar dileyerek hayırlı olması temennisinde bulundular. Sağlık sektöründe sunduğumuz hizmetlerimizi ve topluma fayda sağlama misyonumuzu daha da ileri taşıma arzumuz üzerine sohbetler gerçekleştirdiler. Hastanemizin sunduğu tanı ve tedavi imkanları, sağlık hizmetlerimiz ve topluma olan bağlılığımızı vurguladılar.
We participated in the occupational safety event held at the Vitra factory in Bozüyük as part of Occupational Safety Week and conducted promotional activities at our booth. We would like to thank all the participants for their interest and support.
Surgeon Md Hüseyin PALA, one of the General Surgeons at our hospital, participated in the career days event organized by Ufuk Çizgisi Education Institutions. He met with students and answered their questions regarding the medical profession.
We delivered our pharmaceutical and medical supplies donations to Kahramanmaraş Afşin under the coordination of the Turkish Pharmacists Association and AFAD (Disaster and Emergency Management Authority). We are providing support in meeting the urgent medication needs of earthquake victims in Kahramanmaraş Afşin through our donated pharmaceutical and medical supplies. This assistance is being coordinated by the Turkish Pharmacists Association and AFAD through the establishment of medication distribution points.
Following our discussions with AFAD officials in Eskişehir, we successfully delivered the designated medical supplies, medications, and humanitarian aid to Afşin. As a result of our discussions with the AFAD officials from Eskişehir who are currently stationed in Kahramanmaraş Afşin, our team set out to deliver the designated medical supplies, medications, and humanitarian aid materials to the hospital established in Afşin Tent City.
In celebration of Teachers' Day on November 24th, our Hospital Director, Derya YILMAZ DEMİR, and our Corporate Communications and Marketing team visited the office of our Provincial Director of National Education, Pervin TÖRE. We extended our greetings for Teachers' Day to all teachers through our Provincial Director of National Education. We wish a happy Teachers' Day to all teachers who are the architects of our lives and the future generations.
We participated in the event organized at Tepebaşı Municipality Natural Life Center in honor of World Animal Protection Day on October 4th. In honor of World Animal Protection Day on October 4th, an event was organized at Tepebaşı Municipality Natural Life Center. During the event, gratitude plaques were presented to the institutions and organizations that supported our furry friends, with the participation of Tepebaşı Mayor Ahmet ATAÇ. Our hospital, represented by our Hospital Director, Derya YILMAZ DEMİR, and our Corporate Communications and Marketing team, received a gratitude plaque for our efforts in meeting the shelter needs of stray animals. We will continue to stand by the side of street animals not just on one day but every day. #October4thWorldAnimalProtectionDay
Endocrinology and Metabolism Specialist, Dr. Osman SON, gave a speech at the seminar organized by the Chamber of Pharmacists. Dr. Osman SON, an Endocrinology and Metabolism Specialist from our hospital, delivered a speech titled "Technology and the Role of Pharmacists in Diabetes Treatment" at the seminar organized by the 9th Region Eskişehir Chamber of Pharmacists .
As the Eskişehir Health Tourism Association, we visited Mr. Metin GÜLER, the President of Eskişehir Chamber of Commerce, at his office. As the Eskişehir Health Tourism Association, we visited Mr. Metin GÜLER, the President of Eskişehir Chamber of Commerce, at his office. Our efforts to establish our city as a center for Health Tourism are progressing rapidly.
On the occasion of Nurses' Day, we gathered at the restaurant to celebrate. On the occasion of Nurses' Day, the management team of Özel Eskişehir Anadolu Hospital and our esteemed nurses gathered for a celebration dinner. During the event, we presented plaques to the personnel who have served in our hospital for more than 5 years. We had a fun-filled evening with music, and our team enjoyed themselves to the fullest.
Under the coordination of TOBB Turkey International Health Tourism Council, the Turkey Health Tourism Summit was held in Ankara, featuring new supports and the launch of a health tourism portal. The Turkey Health Tourism Summit, organized in Ankara under the coordination of TOBB Turkey International Health Tourism Council, featured the launch of a health tourism portal and introduced new support initiatives. Our hospital's Health Tourism Supervisor, Sevim Başbuğ, participated in this event, which saw the attendance of highlevel bureaucrats and relevant NGOs.
We visited the newly appointed Provincial Director of National Education, Nesrin Kakırman, at her office in Eskişehir to congratulate her and extend our best wishes. We visited Nesrin Kakırman, the newly appointed Provincial Director of National Education in Eskişehir, at her office to congratulate her and extend our best wishes. During the visit, our Hospital's Corporate Communications and Marketing team, Suna Özşendil and Eda Altınsoy, provided a general introduction about our hospital and shared information about our medical staff and treatment methods. We would like to express our gratitude to the esteemed Director for her hospitality during our visit.
Etkin Kolej's Public Relations Manager, Zekiye BÜYÜK AKSOY, and Middle School Director, Çağlayan ÖZTAŞ, visited our Hospital Director, Derya YILMAZ DEMİR, to extend their congratulations on the occasion of the March 14th Doctors' Day
We visited Mr. Kazım KURT, the Mayor of Odunpazarı Municipality, at his office. As part of our visits aimed at promoting our strengthened medical staff and renovated intensive care units, we visited Mr. Kazım KURT, the Mayor of Odunpazarı Municipality, at his office. We would like to extend our thanks to the employees of Odunpazarı Municipality and Mr. Kurt for their hospitality during our visit.
Upon the invitation of Hakkı SARPKAYA, Deputy Secretary General of Eskişehir Chamber of Industry, we visited the chamber with our Hospital Director, Derya YILMAZ DEMİR, and our Corporate Communications and Marketing Team. During the meeting, which aimed to strengthen the collaboration between our organizations, we would like to express our gratitude to Mr. Sarpkaya and the employees of Eskişehir Chamber of Industry for their warm interest and hospitality.
Our Corporate Communications and Marketing team visited the Odunpazarı City Council. The meeting was attended by the Founding President, İsmail KUMRU, and members of the City Council. During the meeting, our team provided information about our newly renovated Intensive Care Units and our healthcare tourism activities, as well as introduced our continuously strengthening medical staff. We would like to express our gratitude to Mr. Kumru and the members of the City Council for their interest, support, and hospitality.
Our Corporate Communications and Marketing team continues to provide updates on our newly renovated Intensive Care Units and our continuously strengthening medical staff. Our Corporate Communications and Marketing team continues to provide updates on our newly renovated Intensive Care Units and our continuously strengthening medical staff. Most recently, we had the honor of visiting the Office of the Provincial Treasurer, Rahim TAŞ, and the General Secretary of Eskişehir Chamber of Commerce, Gültekin Güler, at their offices. We extend our gratitude for their warm hospitality during our visit.
Our Hospital Director, Derya DEMİR, and Director of Nursing Services, Nermin YILMAZ, paid a visit to the Chief Physician of 112 Emergency Health Services, Veli Görkem PALA, at his office.
You can have your Covid-19 diagnostic tests done at home or at work. Accurate diagnosis with double probe high sensitivity with our the latest technology laboratories authorized by the Ministry of Health. In line with your request, we come to your location with our expert team and take samples for Covid-19 PCR and Antibody tests.
As part of the Anatolian Children's Club Project, we met the non-contact temperature measurement device needs of our children in the Child Care Homes, where we had the opportunity to spend time together before.Coordination of our Hospital Operation Director Derya DEMİR and the communication of International Patient Health Care Supervisor Sevim BAŞBUĞ, we continue to support our children in Nursing Homes during the pandemic process.You can also contact the Nursing Homes Coordination Center to support our children in this process.
As Private Eskişehir Anadolu Hospital, Covid-19 screening test was applied to Eskişehir Development Schools employees. We support all our educational institutions during this pandemic days.
With a comprehensive health screening for your child, measures can be taken for many diseases, and diseases that may cause serious risks in the future can be prevented with early diagnosis.
The right first aid applied to people in emergency situations can save lives. In the period until the intervention of the healthcare teams, first aid should be done by people with first aid training
The purpose of PRP application for hair is to prevent hair loss and strengthen the hair. In the treatment of PRP, the person's own blood is passed through a special process. The plasma rich in clot cells and growth factors obtained as a result of this process is returned to the body by injection. Hair PRP can be applied for problems such as hair loss, loss of strength.
In childhood illnesses, parents should not give non-prescription drugs to children. Medicines of previously sick and recovered children should not be used in other children, even if the symptoms are the same. Drugs used without consulting the physician may cause many side effects as well as the progression of the disease.
Healthy societies consist of healthy individuals. For this reason, it is very important for each individual to start prenatal health checks, lead a healthy life, and protect health before getting sick.
We wish success to all our students in the new academic year that started with distance education system.
Flu, caused by the influenza virus, is a contagious infectious disease that can usually continue from autumn to spring. There are many subtypes of the virus and it is constantly changing.For this reason, the content of the vaccine is changed every year by the World Health Organization and it is recommended to be made again every year.
Dermatoscopy; It is a microscopic examination of the skin superficially. It is an examination method used to diagnose nevus and different lesions on the skin.If changes, growth, irregularity, asymmetrical appearance, color change, bleeding or inflammation are observed on the surface of the nevus over time, the Dermatologist should be consulted immediately.These changes can be a sign of skin cancer called Malignant Melanoma. Early diagnosis may increase the success rate of treatment.
Within the scope of Covid-19 measures, following the mask, social distance and hygiene rules protects us from serious health problems such as respiratory distress, high fever, treatment at the hospital and staying in intensive care.
Symptoms in cervical disc hernia may vary depending on the duration of the disease.
The most common symptoms as follows;
Pain in the neck, back, arms and shoulders,
Numbness in the arms and hands
Neck flexion and movement problem
Loss of strength in the arms
Ringing in the ears
Appendicitis is a painful swelling of the appendix. The appendix is a small, thin pouch about 5 to 10cm (2 to 4 inches) long. It's connected to the large intestine, where poo forms. Symptoms of appendicitis in children ;
High fever
Poor appetite
As we getting old, many changes are observed in our body.Short stature, posture disorders, hunchback are some of these changes.Osteoporosis observed as we get older, is one of the most important causes of length reduction. It is important to start timely diagnosis and treatment in order for bone loss to not progress and more important problems that may be encountered in the future.
Earbuds or chargers should be cleaned separately. Turn off the phone.
To effectively clean your phone, remove any protective case or cover. These should also be cleaned separately before inserting the phone.
In a small spray bottle, mix a one-to-one ratio of distilled water and 70% isopropyl alcohol.
Lightly spray a lint-free microfiber cloth with the water and isopropyl mixture. Never spray the phone directly. Do not over-wet the cloth.
Use the microfiber cloth to wipe down the entire phone. Be sure to clean both the front and back.
If small areas like the space around the camera lens, attachment ports, or buttons show signs of gunk build-up, gently use a dry cotton swab or wooden toothpick to clean those areas. Once any build-up is removed, wipe down the area again with the slightly damp microfiber cloth.
Allow the phone to air dry completely for at least 15 minutes before inserting it into its case.
Bone fractures in children are different from adult bone fractures because a child's bones are still growing. Also, more consideration needs to be taken when a child fractures a bone since it will affect the child in his or her growth.All children who are still growing are at risk for growth plate injuries.Specialist physician should be consulted for the correct treatment of the fractures and no disruption of the skeletal system.
People typically lose 50 to 100 hairs a day. This usually isn't noticeable because new hair is growing in at the same time. Hair loss occurs when new hair doesn't replace the hair that has fallen out.Hair loss (alopecia) can affect just your scalp or your entire body, and it can be temporary or permanent. It can be the result of genetic, hormonal changes, medical conditions or a normal part of aging. See your doctor if you are distressed by persistent hair loss in you or your child and want to pursue treatment.
“High quality chocolates produced from 85% unroasted cocoa beans without milk and sugar, contribute to the release of happiness hormone and create an antioxidant effect on the body.
Raw chocolate is made from unroasted cocoa beans.The roasting process changes the molecular structure of the cocoa beans, and reduces the enzyme content and lowers the overall nutritional value.
Material required for chocolate making;
½ cup cocoa butter (solid)
½ cup cold pressed coconut oil
½ cup (raw) organic cocoa powder
Optionally materials;
Pepper powder, nuts, almonds, dried fruits blueberries, goji berry, natural vanilla, vanilla extract, etc.
How to make;
Grate cocoa butter (the oil we make and freeze using cocoa and butter) . Put the cocoa butter and coconut oil in a heat-resistant bowl. Place this bowl in a bowl with warm water (Bain marie style). Mix the oil until smooth .Mix with ½ cup cocoa powder and other powder ingredients you want to add . Then pour the dry ingredients together with the melted fats into another bowl and mix constantly until smooth. You can also add the latest ingredients such as dried fruits and nuts to the mixture.If you want, spread the entire mixture in a thin layer or pour it into ice molds.You can wait 30 minutes in the freezer or 60 minutes in the fridge.
You will not believe how delicious the real chocolate is .
Bon appetit!
Hearing loss is caused by many factors, most frequently from natural aging or exposure to loud noise. The most common causes of hearing loss are:
Noise exposure
Head trauma
Malformation of outer ear, ear canal, or middle ear structure
Fluid in the middle ear from colds
Ear infection (otitis media – an infection of the middle ear in which an accumulation of fluid may interfere with the movement of the eardrum and ossicles)
Poor Eustachian tube function
Perforated eardrum
Benign tumors
Impacted earwax
Infection in the ear canal
Foreign object in the ear
Otosclerosis (a hereditary disorder in which a bony growth forms around a small bone in the middle ear, preventing it from vibrating when stimulated by sound)
Patients' rights vary in different countries and in different jurisdictions, often depending upon prevailing cultural and social norms. Patient rights are a subset of human rights. Whereas the concept of human rights refers to minimum standards for the ways persons can expect to be treated by others, the concept ofethics refers to customary standards for the ways persons should treat others. As such, rights and ethics are usually flip sides of the same coin, and behind every ‘patient right’ is one or more ethical principle from which that right is derived. What are the patients’ rights?
• Use of the service
• Informing and requesting information
• Choosing and changing healthcare staff and institution
• Privacy
• Consent
• Getting health care in a safe environment
• Respect and comfort
• Having visitors and companion
• Complaint and right to sue
Social distance must be at least 1.5 meters in the beach and swimming area
In situations such as face-to-face and speaking with people, you should use a mask as well as maintaining social distance.
To ensure hand hygiene on the beaches, you should wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. In the absence of water and soap you should use alcohol-based hand antiseptic or cologne containingat least 70% acohol.
People should bring their own beach towels and use them.
Materials such as goggles, snorkels and fins should be personal and should not be shared.
You should not stay on the beach and swimming areas for a long time.
These days children spend more time at home and the risk of home accidents also increases. The most common home accidents; burns, blockages, drug and chemical accidents. In order to prevent home accident risks as follows;
• The plugs of equipment that may cause burns such as iron, heater, oven, teapot should be pulled out of after using and should be out of the reach of children,
•Small toys, small objects and cookies such as pistachios and hazelnuts should be kept away especially from children under 2 years of age.,
• Windows and balcony doors should be kept closed and child lock should be used if necessary,
• Medicines and detergents in the home should be kept out of the reach of children.
Botox injections use botulinum toxin to block the nerve signals responsible for sweating, stopping the sweat glands from producing too much sweat.Sweating is normal. In fact, it’s essential. Humans need to sweat in order to regulate body temperature.But some people sweat much more than is needed.Botox, which is preferred for skin wrinkles, is also used in the treatment of many diseases.
• For excessive sweating problem, it can be applied to armpits, palms and soles.
• It can be applied in migraine treatment and muscle spasms.
• Botox can be applied for teeth grinding and discomfort caused by teeth grinding.
We can protect our skin from the harmful effects of the sun with high protection factor sun creams that we make 20-30 minutes before going out. We should apply the sunscreen to all areas exposed to sunlight.If we need to be outside for a long time, we should not forget to refresh the sun cream periodically.If we need to be outside for a long time, we should not forget to refresh the sun cream periodically.
The sun rays that we are exposed unprotected can damage many tissues in our body as well as negatively affect our eyes. Harmful sun rays that come into direct contact with the eyes can cause changes in the eye lens structure, causing acceleration of cataract formation.You should admit the ophthalmologist for complaints such as burning, stinging, itching and redness of the eye.The harmful effects of the sun should be minimized by using a hat and sunglasses that filter ultraviolet rays.
Spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) is a disease that robs people of physical strength by affecting the motor nerve cells in the spinal cord, taking away the ability to walk, eat, or breathe. Individuals with SMA have difficulty performing the basic functions of life, like breathing and swallowing. However, SMA does not affect a person’s ability to think, learn, and build relationships with others.
SMA is a disease that's passed down through families. If your child has SMA, it's because he's got two copies of a broken gene, one from each parent.
• Decrease in reflexes,
• Failure to control the head
• Falling frequently
• Shaking hands
• Difficulty walking, standing and sitting
• Nutritional difficulties
The anatomy scan is typically performed between 19 and 22 weeks.Other than finding out the sex of your baby (if you want to know), the ultrasound technician will be taking any measurements of your baby.What this ultrasound will look at;
Sex organs
This ultrasound can also provide information about:
The fetal position, movement, breathing, and heart rate
An estimate of the fetal size and weight
The amount of amniotic fluid in the uterus
The location of the placenta
The number of fetuses
Fetal sex – dependent on fetal position
All babies born are tested for PKU soon after birth, usually the second or third day.A blood sample is taken from a needle prick on the heel, and the phenylalanine level is measured.
If it is high, more tests are done to confirm that the baby has PKU. As soon as the diagnosis is made, the baby is given a special formula (also called a supplement) to lower the phenylalanine to a safe level.Maintaining the diet in childhood is essential to prevent damage to the growing brain. It is recommended that the diet is continued for life.
If it is not detected early, irreversible brain damage, mental retardation, hyperactivity, seizures, and autistic behavior disorders are observed. The diagnosis can be easily made with newborn screening tests.
Leukemia is cancer of the body's blood-forming tissues, including the bone marrow and the lymphatic system.Many types of leukemia exist. Some forms of leukemia are more common in children. Other forms of leukemia occur mostly in adults.
Fever or chills
Persistent fatigue, weakness
Frequent or severe infections
Losing weight without trying
Swollen lymph nodes, enlarged liver or spleen
Easy bleeding or bruising
Recurrent nosebleeds
Tiny red spots in your skin (petechiae)
Excessive sweating, especially at night
Bone pain or tenderness
Leukemia symptoms are often vague and not specific. You may overlook early leukemia symptoms because they may resemble symptoms of the flu and other common illnesses.
The definition of obesity varies depending on what one reads. In general, overweight and obesity indicate a weight greater than what is healthy. Obesity is a chronic condition defined by an excess amount of body fat. A certain amount of body fat is necessary for storing energy, heat insulation, shock absorption, and other functions.Obesity is not just a cosmetic consideration; it is harmful to one's health as it is a risk factor for many conditions.
We should not accept guests to our home
You should replace water loss by continuous daily fluid intake
If we think there are signs of illness, we should isolate ourselves, and if we are not alone at home, we should minimize contact in a room different from family members
We should also ask the people we contact in the past week to isolate themselves
We should not use any of our personal belongings in common
We must follow the rules of isolation and social distance
World Thalassaemia Day is observed on every 8th of May. Thalassemia is an inherited (i.e., passed from parents to children through genes) blood disorder caused when the body doesn’t make enough of a protein called hemoglobin, an important part of red blood cells.
We would like to thank all the healthcare professionals who worked devotedly, day and night at the expense of their lives, not only in this challenging process, but also for their efforts. We wish the end of verbal or physical violence against to healthcare workers.
You should air your house frequently
You should not use different chemical cleaning products at the same time
After cleaning, you should wash your hands with soap and water, with the right hand washing method
If you came home from outside, you should leave your shoes out of the door
After entering the house, you should not touch any places without washing your hands
Every year on 17 April World Haemophilia Day is recognised worldwide to increase awareness of haemophilia, von Willebrand disease and other inherited bleeding disorders.
Hemophilia patients;
Should go to the doctor regularly
Should not use drugs without the doctor's advice
When referring to another physician, they should state that they have hemophilia disease
They should follow doctor's advice during the treatment
Intubation is a standard procedure that involves passing a tube into a person’s airway. Doctors often perform before surgery or in emergencies to give medicine or help a person breathe.
Intubation is done because the patient cannot maintain their airway, cannot breathe on their own without assistance, or both. They may be going under anesthesia and will be unable to breathe on their own during surgery, or they may be too sick or injured to provide enough oxygen to the body without assistance.
Growth monitoring is widely accepted and strongly supported by health professionals, and is a standard component of community paediatric services throughout the world.Weight is an important parameter for growth, and weighing a baby or child is a routine part of care. By looking at your baby’s growth curve and weight for his age, your doctor will be able to see if the growth is within the normal range, or if there is any risk of over- or under-nutrition.Weight for age is not the only important parameter. Weight for height is equally as important in screening for stunting. In the earlier stages of life, length is used rather than height.
If you need to go out for your shopping;
You have to go shopping one person and shop as fast as possible
During shopping, we sholud follow the rules of social distance
We should choose the products with our eyes, not with our hands
During shopping, we should not touch our face and make sure to disinfect our hands frequently
We should take our own market bags from our home to shopping
Salt water prevents the virus: There is no scientific data to show that salty water is blocked the virus.
Surgical masks can be washed and reused :Surgical masks lose their protective function when washed.
Only hand washing is sufficient to protect against coronavirus: Hand washing is important for protection from coronavirus, but other protection recommendations should also be considered.
To Protect Your Heart Health:
Stay healthy.
Be active and control your heart health.
Tobacco say "NO".
Limit alcohol consumption.
Keep your body weight healthy.
Keep your blood pressure under control.
Make regular blood pressure measurements.
Please do not forget to call our family elders who are in the coronavirus risk group.We should remind that we are with our valuable elders who are always with us with their experience and knowledge, and we should approach them with respect and compassion in this process.
Here are a few ways that you could be wasting water without realising it, and what you can do about it.
You wait for the tap water to get cold during the summer.
You hose down your driveway or patio instead of sweeping it.
You put off repairing leaky faucets.
You run your dishwasher when it's not full.
You throw just a few items of clothing in the washing machine.
You leave the faucet running while you brush your teeth.
World Autism Awareness Day is an internationally recognized day on 2 April every year.There is no better way to celebrate this day than by becoming aware of the characteristics of people with this condition and how all of us can do better to increase our own understanding and promote kindness.
This first cell has 46 chromosomes, 23 from the mother and 23 from the father. All the instructions for how the child will grow are in the genes on these chromosomes. Each cell of the body will contain exact copies of the 23 pairs of chromosomes that were in the first cell that was formed by the egg and sperm.Down's syndrome occurs in babies born with extra chromosome 21 material in their cells. Down's syndrome is also known as trisomy 21. Trisomy 21 means there are 3 copies of chromosome 21.
A pulmonary embolism is a blockage in the pulmonary artery, which supplies the blood to the lungs. It is one of the most common cardiovascular diseases .
Symptoms of pulmonary embolism include:
Chest pain, a sharp, stabbing pain that might become worse when breathing in
Increased or irregular heartbeat
Difficulty catching breath, which may develop either suddenly or over time
Rapid breathing
A cough, normally dry but possibly with blood, or blood and mucus
We celebrated the 8th of March International Women's Day for our female employees with an event organized by our hospital management. On behalf of our management, our Hospital Operation Director deputy Mr. Ali Yıldız presented flowers to our unit representative female employees.
As in other cancers, one of the most important steps in Colon (Colorectal) Cancer is regular screening.
Things to consider to prevent cancer ;
Colonoscopy screening is recommended to people aged 50-70 every 10 years.
Cover mouth and nose with flexed elbow or tissue when coughing or sneezing. Dispose of used tissue immediately.
Avoid close contact with anyone who has cold or flu-like symptoms.
Seek medical care early if you or your child has a fever, cough or difficulty breathing.
Wash your hands frequently using soap and water or an alcohol-based hand rub.
What is the best way to wash hands properly?
Step 1: Wet hands with running water
Step 2: Apply enough soap to cover wet hands
Step 3: Scrub all surfaces of the hands – including back of hands, between fingers and under nails – for at least 20 seconds.
Step 4: Rinse thoroughly with running water
Step 5: Dry hands with a clean cloth or single-use towel
Our Hospital, Infectious Diseases and Clinical Microbiology Specialist. Nevil Aykın gave training to our hospital staff on novel coronavirus (COVID-19), measures to be taken against the virus, and what to do in potentially suspicious cases.
An intra-articular injection is a term used to describe a shot delivered directly into a joint with the primary aim of relieving pain. Corticosteroids (steroids) were the first substances used for this purpose. Other types of drug are now commonly used including local anesthetics, hyaluronic acid, and even Botox.An intra-articular injection is typically given when the pain has not responded to more conservative treatments including pain relievers, oral anti-inflammatory drugs, and physical therapy.
Not breathing properly can bring health problems . Breathing incorrectly ;
For breathing properly ; should breath deeply and breath through the nose . Also exhalation duratin should be long.
Have you noticed that you feel more sleepy and tired in overcast weather and feel happier and fit in sunny weather?The hormone Serotonin, also called the hormone of happiness, is secreted less with the decrease of the sun's rays, and the hormone melatonin increases in the dark.
• An individual who smokes for more than 20 years his body accumulates about 7 kg of tar
• Each breath taken from cigarettes kills about 50 thousand cells in the body.
• The risk of heart disease in smokers is 2 to 5 times higher than those who do not use.
• Cause to , calcium,vitamin D, Vitamin C and Iron deficiency.
• 96% single cause of lung cancer is smoking.
• Smoking is one of the main risk factors in bladder, stomach and kidney cancers.
Usually the abdomen gets cold or thought to result from consuming cold drinks, commonly known as a cold in the stomach, is an infectious intestinal disease caused by viruses.
The first symptoms include diarrhea and nausea, and if it continues for a long time, you should consult a specialist.
The effect of high blood pressure on the eye;
Hypertension, known as high blood pressure, can damage eye vessels in the future, as well as other vessels in the body.
Regular eye examination is required to control the course of the disease and to what extent hypertension damage the body.
Adenoid;It is a tissue that produces antibodies against microbes that reach the upper respiratory tract between the nose and throat.
It may also bring health problems such as ;
Adenoid growth in children;
Growth retardation,
Loss of appetite
Constant mouth-breathing,
Snoring or sleep apnea and hearing loss.
Reading, writing and learning difficulties in school-age children may be related to vision problems.It is observed that children who cannot see the blackboard have difficulty in understanding the lesson and lose interest in the lessons.You can consult a doctor without losing time about visual impairments, which is one of the most important health problems that directly affect your child's social life and success in school life.
Diabetes can lead to serious health problems when not taken under control. Diabetes-related vision disorders are one of them. While the damage caused by diabetes in the eyes can lead to loss of vision in the future, precautions can be taken by noticing in advance with regular examinations. For this reason, diabetics should have an eye examination at least once a year to protect eye health.
Performing the circumcision procedure in appropriate conditions and by physicians who have received medical education and specialist in their own field,minimizes complications that may occur. Due to the cold weather and the restriction of children's activities, half-term holidays are one of the best times for circumcision.
Cold weather, snow and rain can make the floor slippery.Slippery floors can cause falls, but can also cause fractures and dislocations on the joints, elbows and shoulders, and wrists when dropped. After fall, a specialist physician should be consulted immediately.
Vision problems can be congenital or occur later. The causes of subsequent vision loss include;
advanced stage diabetes, eye pressure, cataract, yellow spot disease, work and traffic accidents.
Conditions such as decreased vision, narrowing of the visual field and blurred vision accompany the diseases that cause significant visual damage.It is important for patients with this type of complaint to consult a physician for early diagnosis and treatment for keep visual health.
Tuberculosis, which can be treated with early diagnosis and regular treatment, is an infection that can be seen in more than one organ and occurs mostly in the lung.Tuberculosis symptoms usually begin mildly and progress slowly, so delays in consulting to the doctor may be experienced.Among the patient complaints,
Patients with such complaints should consult a specialist for a definitive diagnosis.
Cold weather can cause vasoconstriction and heart diseases.In cold weather; Inactivity, nutrition, fluid consumption, sleep patterns and care to maintain the body's temperature by taking care of our clothes, are among the measures we can take to protect our heart health.
Hastanemiz Hemşirelik Hizmetleri Direktörü Gamze ONAR BAŞARANGİL, Etkin Koleji öğrenci ve öğretmenlerine “El Hijyeni” konulu seminer verdi. Soru-cevap ile devam eden seminer verimli bir şekilde sona erdi.
Lösemili Çocuklara destek olmak adına düzenlenen Mutluluk Festivali’nin ikinci gününde Tepebaşı Belediye Başkanı Ahmet ATAÇ ve Ticaret Odası Başkanı Metin GÜLER standımızı ziyaret ederek hastanemizin hizmetleri ve tedavi yöntemleri ile ilgili Hastane İşletme Direktörümüz Derya DEMİR’den bilgi aldılar.
Hastanemizde gün içinde olduğunuz muayenelerden sonra alacağınız Beslenme Danışmanlığı ile Beslenme ve Diyet Uzmanımız Dyt.Lalenur BALCI’dan,
Kilonuzu,vücut yağ-kas-su oranınızı öğrenebilir ve size en uygun beslenme listenizi alabilirsiniz.
Üç gün sürecek olan ve Lösemili Çocuklara destek olmak adına düzenlenen festivalin açılışı bugün, Ticaret Odası Başkan Vekili Süleyman Kutlu, Ticaret Odası Başkanı Metin GÜLER’in eşi Nilüfer Güler,Hastane İşletme Direktörümüz Derya Demir, Kanatlı AVM Genel Müdürü Zehra Kutlu, Ticaret Odası Yönetim Kurulu Üyesi Emre Demir, Gönül Gökmeydan ve Festival Kurucusu Ebru Demir tarafından gerçekleştirildi.
Hastanemiz Hasta Hizmetleri Birimi, Hemşirelik Hizmetleri Birimi ve Kurumsal İletişim ve Pazarlama Biriminden ekip arkadaşlarımızın yer aldığı standımıza uğrayan ziyaretçilerimizin şeker ve tansiyon ölçümü gerçekleştirilirken, minik misafirlerimize hediyeler dağıtıldı.
Have you ever thought that your illnesses may also have originated from your region?
You may experience illnesses from wastewater in your environment also gases and dust from building structures, or self-repeating illnesses.
13 Aralık Anestezi Teknisyen ve Teknikerleri günü dolayısı ile Hastanemiz Başhekimi Uzm.Dr.Levent BİLİR ve Hemşirelik Hizmetleri Direktörü Gamze ONAR BAŞARANGİL katılımıyla anestezi teknisyen ve teknikerlerimizin gününü kutladık.
We host our English partners on Partnership Summit 2019. We had signed with them an agreement for follow up after operations when English patients return to their country.
Projects and the details of the agreement were talked in summit with Dietitian Neshe Targen, Dietitian Vandhana Patel , Nurse Rachel Ozigbo, Professor M.D.Ishaq Sauid ve Shadman Sharafbainy with participation owners of our hosptal's Head Physician M.D. Levent Bilir and General Director Surgeon M.D. Cenk Soğukpınar.
At the summit, city tours made and traditional foods were eaten, our British Partners returned to their countries amazed with hospital, employees and our city.
Hastanemizin hizmetleri ve tedavi yöntemleri ile ilgili bilgilendirme amaçlı TÜLOMSAŞ’ ta idik. TÜLOMSAŞ çalışanları , Check-up biriminden Tuğçe KARABAĞ ve Kurumsal İletişim ve Pazarlama biriminden Suna ÖZŞENDİL tarafından bilgilendirildi.
29 Kasım Dünya Tıbbi Sekreterler Günü dolayısı ile Hastane Genel Direktörümüz İbrahim Cenk SOĞUKPINAR, Hastane İşletme Direktörümüz Derya DEMİR,Hasta Hakları Yöneticimiz Duygu DÖNMEZ, Yönetici Asistanı İmmihan ŞANLI ve Tıbbi Sekreterlerimizin katılımıyla 29 Kasım Dünya Tıbbi Sekreterler Günü’nü kutladık.
Dünyada en ölümcül kanser türü olarak bilinen akciğer kanseri vücutta meydana gelen değişiklikleri fark edilip hekime başvurulmasıyla erken dönemde tespit ve tedavi edilebilmektedir.
Her yıl 1 milyondan fazla kişi bu hastalıktan hayatını kaybetmektedir. Erkeklerde daha sık görülen bu kanser sigara içiminin bayanlar arasında da yaygınlaşmasının ardından kadınlarda da akciğer kanseri teşhisleri artmaktadır.
Akciğer kanserinde erken tanı hayat kurtarıcıdır. Ziya kanser hücreleri hızlıca kemik, beyin, karaciğer, lenf bezleri gibi birçok organa yayılım gösterebilmektedir.
Belirtileri nelerdir?
- Nefes darlığı, hırıltılı solunum
- Geçmeyen şiddeti giderek artan öksürük
- Kanlı balgam
- İştah azalması ve hızlı kilo kaybı
- Göğüs ağrısı,sırt ağrısı
- Ses kısıklığı
- Yutma güçlüğü
Akciğer kanseri yaş ilerledikçe sıklığı artan bir kanser türüdür. Ailesinde akciğer kanseri olanlarda risk artmaktadır. Sigara içme yılı ve paket sayısı arttıkça riskin daha yükseldiği tespit edilmiştir.
Kanser 45 yaş altında nadir gözlemlenmektedir. Genellikle 50-70 yaş arası hastalar tanı almaktadırlar.
Akciğer kanseri riskini arttıran Faktörler?
Akciğer kanserinin %96 tek sebebi sigaradır.
Ailesinde Akciğer kanseri hikayesi olanlarda risk artmaktadır.Özellikle de sigara kullananlarda risk katlanarak artmaktadır.
Mesleki maruziyet, kimyasal gaz, asit ve dumanlara maruz kalma, asbest maruziyeti.
İnşaat sektörü, tekstil sektörü, demir çelik endüstrisi, plastik sanayii, boya ve lastik endüstrisinde çalışanlarda vb. risk artmaktadır.
Yapılan çalışmalar zemin katta yaşayanlarda yer altından gelen zehirli gazlardan dolayı Akciğer kanseri riskinin arttığı gözlemlenmiştir.
Akciğer kanseri önlenebilir ve erken tespit edildiğinde başarıyla tedavi edilebilen bir kanser türüdürdür.
Neler Yapmalıyız?
Yukarıda belirtilen bulgulardan biri varsa hemen hekimimize başvurmalıyız .
Ailesinde Akciğer kanseri öyküsü olanlar düzenli aralıklarla PA AC grafi ile kontrol yaptırmalı .
Sigarayı bırakmalı ve içilen ortamlardan uzak durmalılar .
Sigarayı Bırakmakla Birlikte Risk %50 Azalmaktadır !!
Akciğer kanseri önlenebilir bir hastalıktır .
Sigara içilen ortamdan uzak durmalıdır .
Riskli ortamlarda çalışanların önlemlerini almaları gerekir .
Doğru beslenme Akciğer kanseri riskini azaltmaktadır. Bol meyve,sebze tüketimi A vitamini ve B karotenden zengin beslenmek önemli .
Sağlıklı ve güzel gülüşlerin arkasında yer alan tüm diş hekimlerinin Dünya Diş Hekimleri Günü’nü ve Ağız Diş Sağlığı Haftası’nı kutluyoruz.
KOAH; Kronik Obstrüktif(tıkayıcı) Akciğer Hastalığıdır. Tedavi edilebilir bir hastalıktır.
•Nefes Darlığı
•Öksürük ve balgam
•Göğüs sıkışması,hırıltı
gibi şikayetleriniz var ise KOAH olabilirsiniz. Belirtilerin olduğunu düşünüyorsanız Göğüs Hastalıkları Polikliniğine başvurabilirsiniz.
Normal gebelik süresi 38-42 hafta arasındadır ve 37. Haftadan önce doğan bebekler prematüre olarak adlandırılır.Prematüre bebeklerin özellikle ilk dönemlerdeki bakımı daha fazla hassasiyet gerektirmektedir.
Erken dünyaya gelen bu bebekler, zamanında doğan bebeklere göre birçok açıdan riskli bir durumda hayata başlamaktadır. Prematüre bebekler için önemli konulardan biri nörolojik ve fiziksel gelişimlerinin normal olarak devam etmesidir. Bunu sağlamak için bebeğin aylık boy, kilo ve baş çevresi artışının ve nörolojik gelişiminin yakından takip edilmesi kritik önem taşımaktadır.Bu nedenle prematüre doğan bebeklerin bakımı için bebeğin doğduğu hastanede yenidoğan yoğun bakımı bulunmalıdır. Bu konuda bilgi ve deneyim sahibi yenidoğan hemşireleri tarafından bebeğin bakımı gerçekleştrilmelidir. Prematüre doğan bebeklerin evde bakımı mümkün değildir. Yenidoğan yoğun bakımı gözetiminde bebeğin süreci tamamlaması , ailelerin de psikolojik olarak desteklenmesi, bilgilendirilmesi ve eğitimi, profesyonel sağlık çalışanları tarafından gerçekleştirilmelidir.
Prematüre bebeklerin beslenmesi ve bakımı konusunda insanları bilgilendirmek amacıyla 17 Kasım Dünya Prematüre Günü olarak kutlanmaktadır.
Diabetes is an increasing public health problem in our country as well as in the world. Diabetes is one of the most common diseases in the world. As with other chronic diseases, diabetic patients should have regular doctor control and regulate their nutrition and do regular exercise.
Hastanemiz Beslenme ve Diyet Uzmanı Dyt.Lalenur BALCI , 14 Kasım Dünya Diyabet Günü dolayısı ile Gazi Mesleki ve Teknik Anadolu Lisesi’nde öğrenci ve öğretmenlere Diyabet konulu seminer verdi. Soru-cevap ile devam eden seminer verimli bir şekilde sona erdi.
Pneumonia is a respiratory system infection that affects the lungs. Pneumonia can be caused by bacteria, viruses and fungi.The most common complaints of high fever that not bring down within three days, chest pain and cough. Patients with such complaints should consult a Chest Disease or Infectious Disease physician.
Hastanemiz ve Ford Otosan işbirliği ile gerçekleştirilen aylık uzman hekim seminerlerinin Kasım ayı konuğu Üroloji Uzmanı Op.Dr.Mehmet HAMARAT oldu. Testis Hastalığı, Prostat Hastalığı ve Böbrek Taşı konularında bilgilendiren hekimimiz, seminer sonunda Ford Otosan çalışanlarının sorularını cevapladı.
Radyoloji bölümü; hastalıkların teşhis ve tedavi sürecenin önemli parçalarından biridir.Hastanemiz Başhekimi Uzm.Dr.Levent BİLİR, Hastanemiz Genel Müdürü Op.Dr.İbrahim Cenk SOĞUKPINAR, Hastane İşletme Direktörümüz Derya DEMİR, Hastanemiz Yönetici Asistanı İmmehan ŞANLI,Radyoloji hekimlerimiz Uzm.Dr.Musa ATASEVEN,Uzm.Dr.Okay Yaşar SARITAŞ,Uzm.Dr.Ahmet UYSAL, radyoloji tekniker ve teknisyenlerimizin katılımıyla Dünya Radyoloji Günü’nü kutladık.
Anadolu Üniversitesi İletişim Bilimleri Fakültesi’nin ev sahipliğinde bu yıl 5. si gerçekleştirilen Sağlıkta İletişim Sempozyumu’na hastanemiz İşletme Direktörü Ezgi OKTAŞ ve Hemşirelik Hizmetleri Direktörü Gamze ONAR BAŞARANGİL katılım gösterdiler. Sağlık sektöründe iletişimin önemini konu alan sempozyumda akademisyenler ve hekimlerin güncel araştırma konuları aktarıldı.
Her yıl binlerce kişi organ yetmezliğinden hayatını kaybetmektedir. Bağışladığınız her organ ile uzun bekleyişler son bulabilir. İlgili kurumların organ bağışı birimlerinden detaylı bilgi alabilir ve bağışladığınız her organ ile geleceğe umut olabilirsiniz.
Çocukluk çağındaki lösemi hastalığının ilk belirtileri;
• Solukluk ve halsizlik
• Burun ve diş eti kanamaları
• Ateş
• İştahsızlık,zayıflama
• Kansızlık
• Cilt altında kanamalar
• Eklem veya kemik ağrıları
Ayrıca yayıldığı organlara ait belirtiler, örneğin baş ağrısı, kusma, karın ağrısı, görme bozuklukları önem taşıyabilir.
Bu tür şikayetleri olan çocuklar için mutlaka uzman hekime başvurulmalıdır.
Bu belirtiler sonucunda yapılan kan, kemik iliği, hücre tipini belirleme ve genetik tetkikler sonucunda kesin tanı konulabilir. Uzmanlarca yapılan muayenede çoğunlukla karaciğer ve dalak büyümesi, lenf bezlerinde genişleme, kanama bulguları tespit edilebilir.
November is Lung Cancer Awareness Month of
For healthy living, healthy breathing and healthy lungs;
• Avoid tobacco and tobacco products
• Take care of healthy nutrition and exercise regularly
• Have your health check-up regularly.
Hastanemiz Genel Cerrahi Uzmanı Prof.Dr.Bekir YAŞAR , Ford Otosan çalışanları için “Meme Kanseri “ üzerine seminer verdi. Soru cevap ile devam eden seminer verimli bir şekilde sona erdi.
Symptoms of osteoporosis include; low back and neck pain, shortening of the bones due to bending of the bones over time, forward and hump body posture, back and waist pain, hip, wrist and spine fractures. To prevent osteoporosis; You can eat foods rich in vitamin D, calcium and protein.
Geleneksel VitrA İş Sağlığı & Güveliği Günleri etkinliğine Özel Eskişehir Anadolu Hastanesi olarak katılım gösterdik.
İş Sağlığı ve Güvenliğinde yeni yaklaşımlar, deneyim yaşayarak öğrenme, sanal gerçeklik, iş ekipmanlarının güvenli kullanımı, Arama-Kurtarma-Yangın konusunda bilinçlendirme, kişisel koruyucular, sağlıklı yaşam-koruyucu hekimlik ve simülasyonların sergilendiği
etkinlikte, hastanemizin güçlü hekim kadrosu, hizmet ve tedavileri Eczacıbaşı VitrA çalışanlarına anlatıldı.
Hastanemiz Enfeksiyon Hastalıkları ve Klinik Mikrobiyoloji Uzmanı Uzm.Dr.Nevil AYKIN , Arçelik Buzdolabı çalışanları için “Soğuk algınlığı ve Grip “ üzerine seminer verdi. Soru cevap ile devam eden seminer verimli bir şekilde sona erdi.
Cerrahi operasyonların güvenli ve sağlıklı olabilmesi, hastanın operasyon sırasında acı ve ağrı duymasını engellemek amacı ile ilaç kullanılarak vücudun uyuşturulması amacıyla yapılan uygulamalara anestezi denmektedir.
Ameliyatın önemli parçalarından biri olan anestezi , cerrahi müdahalelerin yerine getirilmesinde önemli rol oynamaktadır.
Anestezi Uzmanlarımızın , anestezi tekniker ve teknisyenlerimizin Dünya Anestezi Günü’nü kutluyoruz.
ARTHRITIS, commonly known as joint rheumatism, is a disease that causes joint pain and joint stiffness caused by cartilage destruction.Knee joint, spine, finger joints, joint root of Big toe is more common as time pass and more common in women. In rheumatic diseases, the earlier the diagnosis is made and the sooner the treatment is started, the higher the success rate. Therefore, if you have swelling of your joints and you feel constant pain, you can consult a specialist.
The 11th of October, International Day of the Girl has been declared in order to raise awareness of the discrimination and violence that girls face in different parts of the world due to their gender.
We should take care of all of our children, give equal education and support them so that they can become strong individuals who will contribute to the development of society.
It is the most common type of cancer in women. During life, one in 8 women have breast cancer.The most important risk factor is undoubtedly being a woman, Breast cancer can also be seen in men and this rate is less than 1% of the incidence in women.
Breast cancer is more common in developed countries. Japan is an exception. The reason for this is the excess consumption of omega3-containing fish in Japanese cuisine.Such that the settled Japanese in the United States, after a few generations, this rate is similar to that seen in other US citizens.The most blamed in this regard are obesity and the consumption of fatty fastfoods.Especially in postmenopausal obese women, breast cancer is more common than others.
although breast cancer is more common after 40-50 years of age and advanced age is an important risk factor, unfortunately, we see much more than expected in our country at young ages.
Today, alcohol consumption is considered among the most important risk factors.
Hormones are classic risk factors.These include factors such as having given birth to her first child at an advanced age, more importantly, never having given birth, the first menstruation is too early , menopause at an advanced age, starting birth control pills at an early age and using them for a long time, and using estrogen + progesterone hormones together to alleviate menopausal complaints of menopausal women.Cancer in one breast poses a risk for cancer in the other breast (simultaneously or at different time).
In the meantime, genetic studies show that BRCA I (breast cancer I) genes with positive BRCA II (breast cancer II) genes are very likely to have breast cancer.Other organ cancers may also be more common in breast cancer patients with genetic transmission characteristics at the same time or in another time period.For example ; Breast cancer - ovarian cancer, breast cancer - colon cancer, breast cancer - brain tumor.
Such hereditary cancers occur at a younger age and are more likely to be bilateral (at the same time or at different times).
Physical examination and radiological evaluation are essential for diagnosis. However, the definitive diagnosis is made by pathological examination of the part taken from the breast.
In physical examination, we can group the findings as early and late periods with two headings. Although breast tumor can be seen all over the breast, the most common part is the upper outer quadrant.
There are early important symptoms ,these are, a slight pitting on the breast skin , nipple bloody discharge , image like eczema around nipple.
In the elderly, tissues located behind the nipple can escape into the nipple because it is atrophied. But when nipple is pulled by hand it comes out. This is a normal physiological condition.However, in breast cancer nipple does not come out.
The presence of palpable mass on palpate is a very important finding, but not every palpable mass is a cancer.Especially benign tumors called fibroadenoma in young people, middle and older ages, cysts are confused with cancer by patients.Mass under the armpit, having breast mass under the armpit is very important in terms of cancer risk.
The appearance of orange peel on breast skin in more advanced cancers, changes in breast size (shape or size) , ulceration of the breast (scar), limited or diffuse edema of the breast skin, mastitis-like appearance of the whole breast , The mass in the breast is very large, if there are glands under the armpit, they are larger than 2.5 cm or tightly adhered to deep tissues, edema can be seen on the arm.
After the necessary physical examination for patients who consults to the physician, radiological examination should be performed with or without any findings (tumors smaller than 1-1.5 cm may not be detected depending on the structure of the breast).
Because the milk glands are very intense in young people, the first radiological examination should be ultrasound. Mammography becomes more important in patients 40 years and older.
If a suspicious finding is found in both physical examination and radiological examination, biopsy is essential for definitive diagnosis.Biopsy is performed as needle biopsy or surgical biopsy. If the pathologist says there is cancer, this diagnosis is definite and treatment is started.
Staging is essential for treatment. Breast cancer is examined in 4 stages.
Stage I-II is called early stage.In the early stage, surgery forms the basis of treatment.According to pathological results, chemotherapy, hormone therapy, immunotherapy, radiotherapy can be added.There are currently two methods in the surgical treatment of early stage breast cancer.
A- Breast Conserving surgery
If there are some special conditions, breast-conserving surgery is performed. In this treatment, cancer tissue is removed with at least 2-3 mm healthy tissue and the axillary lymph nodes are cleaned.Edema in the arm may develop more or less in 30% of patients whose armpit lumps are completely cleaned.Therefore, in physical examination, under armpit lump in patients not detected,lymph node sampling by radioisotope and / or painting method.If there is no tumor in the lymph node that we call the guard (as a result of emergency pathological examination), the operation is completed at that stage. If there is a tumor in the gland, all lymph nodes should be cleaned.
B- Removing the entire breast and cleaning the underarms. (MRM)
Stage III is called locally advanced stage breast cancer.In this phase, 3-4 cycles of chemotherapy, then surgical treatment and radiotherapy are applied.Chemotherapy - hormone therapy - immunotherapy continues.
Stage IV breast cancer is advanced. These patients may also have distant metastases. Surgery and radiotherapy are performed only if necessary to improve the quality of life of the patient. Chemotherapy - hormone - immunotherapy methods are the mainstay of treatment in these advanced stage tumors.The results are very good if breast cancer is detected at an early stage.The majority of patients do not have a cause of death.Post-treatment follow-up is very important.The most common metastatic organs of breast cancer are the bones, especially the spine and the lungs.Therefore, these organs are examined together with the remaining breast tissue.Early diagnosis is very important for the treatment of breast cancer.
Therefore, all women from the age of 20, preferably the next week after menstruation, in front of a mirror and lie down to examine by hand.
Women with a positive family history should start at an early age and women 30 years of age and older should get a medical examination.The examinations should be performed every 3 months, once every 6 months or once a year according to the situation determined in the first examination.Mammography should be performed at the age of forty. Then it is repeated every 1-2-3 years depending on the situation.It is recommended to repeat this every year from the age of 50 until the age of 60.
Best Regards
Professor Doctor Bekir Yaşar
Eating too fast can lead to health problems. Nutrition and Diet specialist, Dietitian Lalenur BALCI informed about eating fast habits.“Recent research has shown that, to regulate the body's energy state; body is using neurons. With this information; It is assumed that rapid food consumption can alter metabolic communication between neurons.When all studies were evaluated together; As a result of eating too fast, the active use of oxygen in the body decreases and as a result, fat burning decreases.Therefore; regulating nutritional behavior (eating too fast, not chewing too much) is the first step that every individual should do in order to protect their health.
Fat burning in the body is reduced, if a stendary life style is added on it; it is inevitable that people will progress to obesity every day. Obesity, which is linked to all diseases, is now seen in about 150 million children worldwide.This number is increasing rapidly with each passing day. Especially those who cannot get enough oxygen to their body have a higher risk of obesity. People who work indoors, those who cannot breathe enough air due to health problems, smokers cannot provide enough oxygen to their bodies during the day.If we add a fast-eating habit to the body that is deprived of oxygen due to our way of life, health and environmental conditions; The oxygen level in the body will decrease thoroughly.The predisposition to obesity will also be quite high. Therefore, chewing too much, gaining the habit of eating slowly will protect us from many diseases (obesity, stomach diseases, etc.).
It is not easy to change the habit of eating too fast. Getting help from specialist dieticians, psychologists and specialist physicians will help us.
With plenty of Oxygen and healthy days for everyone .. ”
Eskişehir İl Sağlık Müdürlüğü Tarafından , Anadolu Üniversitesi ev sahipliğinde gerçekleştirilen Halk Sağlığı Sokağına , Özel Anadolu Hastanesi olarak katılım gösterdik.
Eskişehir İl Sağlık Müdürü Doç.Dr. Uğur BİLGE veAnadolu Üniversitesi rektörü Prof.Dr.Şafak Ertan ÇOMAKLI standımızı ziyaret etti.
Beslenme ve hijyen konusunda 2 oturumlu planlanan seminerin ilki çocuk bakım evlerindeki çocuk sorumluları için Beslenme ve Diyet Uzmanımız Dyt.Lalenur BALCI tarafından verildi.
Çocuklara hazırlanacak besinler,porsiyonlar ve besinlerde hijyen konusu anlatılan ve soru-cevap ile devam eden seminer verimli bir şekilde sona erdi.
What is Anadolu Kids Club?
The Eskişehir Anadolu Hospital Social Responsibility Project is , which babies born in our hospital contribute to these activities by organizing activities for children in the Child Protection Institution in our city.
What is purpose of Anadolu Kids Club?
To help every newborn baby and their families contribute to the lives of children who are not parents and who grow up in child protection institutions.To give them experiences to meet their social needs other than vital needs such as dressing and shelter.At the same time, we set out to make activities and organizations that can contribute to the development of every child born in our hospital with the name of Anadolu Kids Club.
How can I become a member of Anadolu Kids Club?
If you are going to give birth in our hospital, or if you have not been born for more than 2 months, you can become a member of Anadolu Kid's Club. When you come to our hospital, it is enough for us to indicate that you want to be a member of Anadolu Children's Club or share your contact information with us.
Serebral Palsi bebeklikte ya da çocukluk çağının başlarında ortaya çıkan, doğum öncesi, doğum sırası veya doğum sonrası dönemde oksijen yetersizliği,enfeksiyonlar,beyin kanaması, erken-geç doğum,doğum travması,ateşli hastalıklar,metabolikdurumlara bağlı olarak oluşan beyin hasarıdır.
Her çocuk farklı semptomlar da gösterebilirken Serebral Palsi nin en sık görülen belirtileri arasında ;
• Titreme ve istemsiz hareketler
• Yutma Problemleri
• Sık sık düşme
• Ayına uygun olarak motor becerileri yapmakta gecikme örneğin;yuvarlanma, tek başına oturma veya sürünme gibi motor beceri gelişiminde gecikmeler
• Kas tonusunda, artma ve azalma
• Konuşma gelişiminde gecikmeler ve konuşma zorluğu
yer almaktadır.
Serebral Palsi ilerleyici değildir.Travmaya uğramış beyne erken müdahale edilmesi ve hayat boyu rehabilitasyon uygulamasıyla önemli gelişmeler sağlanabilmektedir.
Özel Eskişehir Anadolu Hastanesi olarak , Op.Dr. ibrahim Cenk SOĞUKPINAR ve Uzm.Dr. Levent BİLİR sahipliğinde olan yeni yönetimimiz ile devam ettiğimiz yolun 2.yılını gururla ve hekimlerimizle kutladık.
Kalp ve damar hastalıkları tüm dünyada ölüm nedenleri arasında ilk sıralarda yer almaktadır. Kalp damar hastalıklarına neden olan risk faktörlerinin çoğu düzeltilebilirdir. Risk faktörlerini düzelterek kalp damar rahatsızlıkları ve buna bağlı olumsuz sonuçlanacak durumlar en aza indirilebilir. Kalp ve damar hastalıklarına yakalanma riskini en aza indirmek için;
Kan basıncınızı öğrenin,
Kan yağlarınızı öğrenin,
Kan şekerinizi öğrenin,
Sağlıklı beslenin,
Düzenli fiziksel aktivite yapın,
Tütün ve tütün ürünleri kullanmayın,
Alkol kullanmayın,
Kardiyovasküler riskinizi öğrenin,
Hekiminizin verdiği sağlıklı yaşam önerilerine uyun ve senede bir kardiyoloji polikliniğine kontrol yaptırmayı ihmal etmeyin .
Our Hospital Endocrinology and Metabolism Diseases Specialist MD. Osman SON gave a seminar about “Obesity and Nutrition for Paşabahçe and Şişecam Eskişehir Factory employees.
Contraception is the use of a variety of methods, tools or medications to temporarily or permanently prevent pregnancy or reduce the likelihood of becoming pregnant. Both men and women can benefit from these methods for family planning.
Yeni doğan bir bebeğin sağlıklı bir gelişim göstermesi için fiziksel ihtiyaçları kadar duygusal ihtiyaçları da karşılanmalıdır. Temel ihtiyaçların karşılanması sağlıklı fiziksel gelişimin yanında bebek ve birincil bakım vereni arasında sağlıklı bir güvenli bağlanma oluşmasına katkı sağlar. Bu bağ bebeğin ilerideki sosyal, duygusal ve zihinsel gelişimini destekler ve yetişkin bir birey olduğunda kuracağı ilişkileri, benlik algısını ve kişiliğini etkiler. Bebeklerimizin fiziksel ihtiyaçlarını karşılarken onlara bol bol sarılmayı da ihmal etmeyelim...
Alzheimer, sağlıklı beyin dokusu bozulması sonucu zihinsel ve sosyal yeteneklerde günlük işlevleri bozan bir rahatsızlıktır.
•Zaman ve yer karışıklığı
•Konsantrasyon güçlüğü
•Kafa karışıklığı
•Ruh hâli ve davranışlarda değişimler
•Eşyaları yanlış yere koyma ve adımları takip edememe
Kendini sık gösteren belirtiler arasında yer almaktadır. Nöroloji birimi tarafından tedavisi gerekmektedir.
Sakarya Meydan Muharebesi’nin kazanılmasından sonra, 19 Eylül 1921 tarihinde, Türkiye Büyük Millet Meclisi’nce Başkomutan Mustafa Kemal ATATÜRK’e “MAREŞAL” rütbesi ile “GAZİ” ünvanı verilmiştir. Bu nedenle 19 Eylül Gaziler Günü olarak kutlanmaktadır.
• During pregnancy, a midwife educates women about what's going on with their bodies and their babies. They discuss hormonal changes, and the midwife examines the mom when necessary and monitors fetal growth through the mom's belly measurements.
• The midwife , makes the necessary examinations and follow-up of the mother, identifies the risky situations in the early period, takes the necessary precautions and follows the pregnancy process with trainings after the diagnosis of pregnancy.
• A midwife teaches her patients pain-management techniques so they are prepared when labor begins. She also explains the stages of labor so the moms feel ready.
• In the postnatal period; makes the first care and examination of the newborn baby, makes the care and following of the mother and the baby, helps the baby to take breast milk and gives education about importance of the breast milk.
• Provides the necessary training and consultancy services to protect and improve the health of mother and baby during pregnancy in the childbirth and postpartum period.
• With the Breastfeeding Policy of our hospital, it is ensured that the mother and the baby are in contact with each other and stay in the same room for breastfeeding and that the baby receives breast milk.
The primary duty of all health institutions and hospitals is patient safety.
For patient safety practices, in our hospital;
• Identification and verification of patient credentials
• Prevention of patient falls
• Ensuring drug safety
• Securing the basic life support process
• Ensuring safe practices in blood transfusion
• Ensuring safe surgical procedures
• Ensuring an effective communication environment between employees, transferring patient information and records safely among health care providers.
• Ensuring information security
• Prevention of infections
• Providing newborn and child safety
• Measures are taken in order to take and implement measures in case of disasters and unusual situations.
Erkek üreme sisteminde bir salgı bezi olan prostat, erkeklerde ileri yaşlarda en sık görülen kanser türlerindendir.
Prostat kanseri erken evrede hiç belirti vermeyebilir bu nedenle 40 yaşından sonra düzenli olarak yılda bir kez uzman kontrolü gereklidir. Ayrıca zor idrar yapma,
ağrılı idrar yapma, kanlı idrar yapma, sık idrar yapma,gece idrara kalkma gibi şikayetlerden birisi ya da bir kaçı varsa bir uzman hekime başvurulmalıdır.
Sleep is an essential physiologic process concerned with maintaining many bodily functions and systems. Lack of sleep can produce a number of serious side effects affecting every area of human health.Sleep deprivation causes disruption of the reproductive hormones and hence prevents ovulation from occurring properly, which can result in infertility. In addition, libido is also lower in individuals with less sleep.
Here are some key points about sleep deprivation;
• Sleep loss alters normal functioning of attention and disrupts the ability to focus on environmental sensory input.
• Children and young adults are most vulnerable to the negative effects of sleep deprivation.
• Sleep deprivation can be a symptom of an undiagnosed sleep disorder or other medical problem.
• When you fail to get your required amount of sufficient sleep, you start to accumulate a sleep debt.
If sleep deprivation is ongoing, and negative symptoms persist despite practicing good sleep hygiene measures, consultation with a healthcare provider is recommended.
eği alabilirsiniz.
Posture is usually defined as the relative arrangement of the parts of the body. Postural faults can give rise to discomfort, pain or disability.
Backpacks come in all sizes, colors, fabrics, and shapes and help kids of all ages express their own personal sense of style. And when used properly, they're incredibly handy.
Many backpacks come with multiple compartments that help students stay organized while they tote their books and papers from home to school and back again. Compared with shoulder bags, messenger bags, or purses, backpacks are better because strong muscles the back and the abdominal muscles support the weight of the packs.
When worn correctly, the weight in a backpack is evenly distributed across the body, and shoulder and neck injuries are less common than if someone carried a briefcase or purse.
As practical as backpacks are, though, they can strain muscles and joints and may cause back pain if they're too heavy or are used incorrectly.
Overweight has become one of the most important health problems in our country and all over the world in recent years. If you take care of your diet to reach your ideal weight but still can't lose weight, it may be caused by a hormonal disorder.Talking with a healthcare professional about your weight is an important first step.You can take care of your health and weight under control in this way.
The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) declared September 8th as the "International Literacy Day" for all people to enjoy the right to literacy and to draw attention to problems in the field of education.
Hospital Administrative Director Miss.Ezgi Oktas participated in the cooperation meetings that we started in the UK, in order to our patients, who come from abroad to have their follow-up when they return to their countries.During the one-week meetings in Birmingham, Bristol and London she met with Dietitian Van Patel, Gastroenterologist Specialist MD.Saud Ishaq,Endoscopy Nurse Raheal Ozigbo, Aesthetic Surgery Specialist MD.Jorge Zafra and Hospital Legal Counselor Sheila Omondi.
This interviews were very positive for our hospital and the first steps of the cooperation agreements were made.
Hastanemizde aramıza katılacak minik misafirlerimize, isteyen aileler için oda süsleme yapılmaktadır.
On the 97th anniversary of the liberation of Eskişehir from enemy occupation, we commemorate Mustafa Kemal ATATÜRK and all our martyrs and veterans with respect.
Sleep should be regular and enough at any age for the child's development and health.
You can prepare maintain a regular and consistent sleep schedule for your child. you can have a relaxing bedtime routine that ends in the room where the child sleeps.
In addition, school-aged children become more interested in TV, computers, the media and Internet as well as caffeine products – all of which can lead to difficulty falling asleep, nightmares and disruptions to their sleep. In particular, watching TV close to bedtime has been associated with bedtime resistance, difficulty falling asleep, anxiety around sleep and sleeping fewer hours. Health problems such as adenoid also can disturb sleep quality. You can consult your pediatrician about this.
Endocrinology and Metabolic Diseases Specialist M.D Osman Son explained the purpose and benefits of the Mediterranean Diet.
Research has shown that the Mediterranean diet is the most healthy and safe diet.
The aim of the Mediterranean diet is to reduce the amount of animal fat, which we call low saturated fat, and to use more olive and olive oil products which we call high amounts of vegetable oil.
The Mediterranean diet has been scientifically shown to be beneficial for many diseases such as helping to lose weight, preventing cancer, forgetfulness and asthma. Therefore, both healthy people and people with health problems, unless the doctor recommends another type, so we call the Mediterranean type diet, which is very suitable for our country, we can always recommend this type of diet.
In summer, with increasing air temperatures, feet sweat will increase and the importance of foot care should be increased.Neglected sweating and care can cause skin diseases such as fungi.In addition, the type of socks you wear and the shoes you use affect your foot health.High-heeled shoes used for a long time can cause foot pain and deformities,be sure to use right shoes and cotton socks so your feet can breathe.
Proper eye care is an extremely important part of a child's development. Developments during this period will effect a child for the rest of his/her life. It is extremely important that children receive attention regarding their eyesight from a very early age to be sure that everything is developing correctly and to diagnose and treat any problems before they worsen or lead to more serious complications. Because many conditions may show symptoms even while your child is still an infant and become much harder to correct the longer they go untreated, it is very important to have regular eye exams for your child.
In addition, you can ensure that children in school age have a more successful school life with the precautions and treatments to be taken after the early diagnosis of visual disturbances.
Breakfast provides many benefits to our health and wellbeing. Breakfast, restores glucose levels, an essential carbohydrate that is needed for the brain to function. Many Breakfast provides energystudies have shown how eating breakfast can improve memory and concentration levels and it can also make us happier as it can improve mood and lower stress levels. In studies amongst children, breakfast can improve attainment, behaviour and has been linked to improved grades. Just like any other organ in the body, the brain needs energy to work at it's best!
Eatıng breakfast has long term health benefıts. ıt can reduce obesıty, hıgh blood pressure, heart dısease and dıabetes.So, breakfast really is the most important meal of the day!
Start the day healthy!
Pay attention to using mobile phone, sleeplessness and tiredness in bairam journey.
The majority of the causes of traffic accidents are insomnia, fatigue and the use of mobile phones while driving.The use of mobile phones is one of the most important causes of accidents, especially as it creates distraction while driving.
Having a good rest before the journey, making phone calls before the journey, standing in a safe place in case you need to make phone calls and following the traffic rules will reduce the risk of accidents.
Private Anadolu Hospital Internal Medicine Specialist Dr. Cihansah Akdogan informed about metabolic syndrome. Metabolic syndrome is a cluster of conditions that occur together, increasing your risk of heart disease, stroke and type 2 diabetes. These conditions include increased blood pressure, high blood sugar, excess body fat around the waist, and abnormal cholesterol or triglyceride levels.Incidence and Prevalence of Metabolic Syndrome is increasing in our country.Metabolic syndrome is closely linked to overweight or obesity and inactivity.A lifelong commitment to a healthy lifestyle may prevent the conditions that cause metabolic syndrome.Getting at least 30 minutes of physical activity most days
Eating plenty of vegetables, fruits, lean protein and whole grains.Limiting saturated fat and salt in your diet
Maintaining a healthy weight and not smoking will help in the prevention of metabolic syndrome.
Private Anadolu Hospital Obstetrician and gynecologist Surgeon M.D Gülbin Erol told about the mistakes about painful menstruation. Firstly, every woman who has a very painful menstrual period should get examined a gynecologist. About 80% of women with painful menstruation do not have any disease, but 20% can be diagnosed with diseases that may cause pain.These may be chocolate cysts, uterine fibroids. Therefore, these pains should be distinguished in the examination of the obstetrician.What are the false facts about this subject?
1. Open back and waist area or bare feet on the cold ground are not the cause of menstrual pain.
2.İdea of taking painkillers can reduce the amount of menstruation because the blood that needs to be disposed mass in me I wrong also. Menstruation amount decreases taking painkillers but blood does not mass in you
3. Regular and frequent drinking of painkillers doesn’t become an addiction.
4. Painful menstruation is not a sign of abuse. We can't imagine I won't have children in the future. If there is no evidence of a disease, there is nothing to worry about.
5 The idea that these pains go away when you get married or give birth is also wrong. Since the woman who gives birth develops methods of coping with pain, only her pain tolerance increases.
Pediatrician M.D Büşra Duygu ARSLANOĞLU told about the issues to be paid attention to watching television in children.
Language development is a process that starts with birth and continues for the whole life.
Studies have shown significant increases in the rate of delay in expressing language in children who have started watching television before the age of 1 and watching television more than 2 hours a day. Reading books to children loudly increases verbal repertoire and speeds up language acquisition.
The Emirdag Festival finished which we participated in. For the advertising of our hospital for 6 days, we attended the festival and the visitors who came to our stand were informed about our hospital.Measured blood pressure and diabetes. We also listened to the questions and complaints of our visitors. Various gifts and brochures were given to visitors. We would like to thank all Emirdağ people for their interest in our stand.