

On armpıt botox applıcatıon, the sweat glands ın the applıed area can be temporarıly blocked to prevent over sweatıng.

On armpıt botox applıcatıon, the sweat glands ın the applıed area can be temporarıly blocked to prevent over sweatıng.

Release Date: 29 06 2019

Sweating is a necessary and natural response caused by an increase in body temperature.
Over sweating, which is one of the problems we experience especially in summer, can cause bad appearance and odor on armpit. Over sweating can affect social and private life as well as can cause to psychological problems and lack of self-confidence.Deodorants and lotions used for sweating provide relief for a short time but do not provide a exact solution.Armpit botox is one of the most effective and long-term methods used in the problem of oversweating. On armpit botox application, the sweat glands in the applied area can be temporarily blocked to prevent over sweating.

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