

6 June Dıetıtıan Day

6 June Dıetıtıan Day

Release Date: 06 06 2019

Nowadays, we can easily access many information via internet.
We apply the information we obtain to our daily lives instantly and we are making changes in our lives.
But when it comes to information that directly affects human health, it is useful to think again before applying it to our daily lives.
Information on the Internet, non-personal diet programs are among the information we need to pay attention to.
For a healthy and vigorous body, it is necessary to get support with diet programs prepared by experts (trained in this field). These programs should be prepared individually and blood values, metabolism, such as concepts should be considered.
We would like to congratulate all of our esteemed dietitians "6 June Dietitian Day" who are involved in the treatment of many diseases and practices for healthy nutrition.

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