
Health Guide

Stomach Botox

Stomach Botox

Release Date: 10 12 2019

Writer: SURGEON M.D. Hüseyin Pala

Stomach Botox
After an average of 15-20 minutes of application, the appetite and  the muscles of the stomach, which are effective on hunger, are ineffective for 4-6 months, reducing appetite.The theory behind botox injections to the stomach is that by paralyzing the muscles involved in moving food the stomach will feel fuller, helping the patient feel less hungry, eat less and lose weight.

Normally, carbohydrate foods leave the stomach in 2-4 hours, while gastric emptying of the stomach is prolonged by up to 12 hours after botox application. Stomach botox, stomach hormone secreting parts of the stomach is also applied to reduce the appetite and increase the duration of satiety.With the application of stomach botox, it is possible to lose 40% of the excess weight and reach the ideal weight in 6-8 months.

How is non-surgical “Stomach Botox ” obesity treatment performed?
After examinations, if there are no conditions that will prevent the treatment, stomach Botox will decrease appetite, amount of consumed food, increase sense of fullness and makes weight loss easier. This treatment is applied with endoscopic methods and it takes 20-30 minutes. After spending 2 hours under observation, patients can go back home. Patients can go back to their normal lives next day. Healing period of this treatment is extremely short. When this treatment that shows affects in 3-7 days is supported with personalised diet program, patients will start to lose weight in 1 month and this process will continue 6 months.

Is stomach botox safe? Are there any side effects or risks?
The effect of stomach botox lasts 4-6 months.There is no side effect or risk of stomach botoxIt is a reliable method with high success rates in the treatment of obesity.  Rarely observed side effects after administration include nausea, dyspepsia and bloating.

Who can the non-surgical “Stomach Botox ” treatment be performed on?
The stomach Botox procedure has in recent years begun to be commonly used across the world and in Turkey. It is a revolutionary type of treatment especially for those who have difficulty sticking to weight-loss diets and regular exercise and those who are continually unsuccessful when trying to lose weight with diets. It can be performed on people whose body mass index (BMI) is less than 35. Stomach Botox is not recommended for those whose BMI is over 35. When there are cases of stomach ulcers, gastritis and duodenal ulcers, stomach Botox is recommended after these complaints have been remedied.

Advantages of Stomach Botox
Botox is applied to stomach muscles and it is effective on smooth muscles of stomach. Muscles with Botox have decreased contraction capacity. For example, since contraction of stomach muscles that process food in 2-3 hours and discards this processed food in 4-4.5 hours slow down, this process can take up to 10-12 hours. With the help of injection to stomach part where hunger hormone ghrelin is segregated, level of this hormone is significantly decreased. This way, appetite of the patient can be decreased significantly and sense of fullness can be maintained for a long time.Patients who are afraid of surgical interventions and experience problems with diet program can achieve a new diet habit and lifestyle when stomach Botox is combined with diet program. It is possible to weight 4-20 kilo in 6 months when stomach Botox is combined with regular exercise and diet program.

When will you feel the effects of stomach botox application?
3 days after the application of stomach botox, appetite and hunger sensation begins to decrease. After 1 week, these effects reach their maximum level and continue for 4-6 months.


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